A little over eleven years ago, I was gifted a camera by my amazing Aunt. My only intention was to take better photos of my daughter. I quickly realized how much I loved having a camera in my hands. I liked learning all of the technical aspects that go into using a camera, and I loved the fact that I was able to be creative and make beautiful images that people loved sharing with their family and friends. Since the day I received my camera, I have done something photography related EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Whether that was honing a new skill, attending a workshop, shooting a portrait session, editing a wedding, or exploring my city with camera in tow, I am continuously developing as an artist. I take this love and passion for what I do into every session or event I cover and love sharing my gift with those that value what I do.
The biggest reason I work so hard is for my family. I have an incredible husband and two beautiful children. I'd have to say, all three of them are tied for my #1 fan spot. When I'm not working, you can most definitely find me hanging out with them, whether it's watching a movie at home, trying a new restaurant, helping my daughter with homework, or simply walking around the West Side Market.
Anything with these three and I'm content!
In addition to family and photography, I have a few other loves.
1. Pad Thai - I would consider myself a pad thai connesiour. Whenever I try a new thai restaurant, this is my go to. I have most definitely found the best pad thai in Cleveland, so if you want to know where it is, just ask!
2. Pinterest - Who doesn't love Pinterest. It has definitely saved me a few times while getting dressed in the morning. Simpy search for what to wear with a pencil skirt and boom, options galore. Although by the time I'm done searching for what to wear, I've also found a recipe for dinner and a craft to do with my daughter on her next day off.
3. Date Night - Alone time with my husband is so important to me. With all the craziness that comes with running a business, 2 kids, and a mind that is constantly going at full speed, we try and make it a point to do something with just the two of us at least once a month. Most often that means trying a new restaurant, going to an arcade, or checking out the new action film in 3D.